Monday, April 16, 2007

Commentary: Gov't never promised instant results from economic surge

Tacloban City (April 15) -- No, Virginia , the government never promised instant results from the economic surge but the reality is that today, there are more jobs, lower inflation and lesser debt.

It may take some time to transform into an ideal one, the quality of life of Filipinos, continuous effort on the part of the government to increase social services on the back of a growing economy will hopefully eventually increase optimism and hope among the people.

Yes, there are many economic positives like the boom in portfolio investments and the early repayment of debts in the amount of $175 million can be sustained and move forward the government programs to mitigate if not completely eradicate hunger and poverty.

That is why the government continues to call for unity and for rolling up of sleeves which more and more Filipinos are doing. The country’s economic growth has been rising global confidence in the country and the people’s dexterity and excellence are the right tool that is to the country’s advantage.

Every Filipino knows that there is no instant transformation and no instant flowing of the economic gains down to the common people and the Filipino understands and is willing to wait for as long as it sees that the government is indeed working hard to uplift the lives of the people.

Life is not a measure to be drained but a goblet to be filled. While the detractors insist on seeing a cup that is half empty, the Administration would rather see it as half full and it would continue to fill as the country moves forward to the realization and implementation of the programs that would mitigate and eradicate hunger and poverty in this side of the universe. (PIA 8)

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